College and Career
College and Career Center
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Meet the College and Career Team
_______________________________________________________________________________________________Anna–Sophia Pretlow
College and Career Coordinator
Originally from the Bay Area, I have fallen in love with living in Humboldt County. I graduated from Humboldt State with a Bachelor’s in English Education and an emphasis in Language Development and Acquisition. A huge highlight during my studies was adding the TESOL Minor. I am delighted to be in the role of College and Career Coordinator. I have previously enjoyed working in the district as a long-term substitute, instructional aide, summer school instructor, and AP test proctor! My experiences working with high school students are overwhelmingly positive and engaging, which tells me I’m in the right place.
My work will largely surround meeting with students to navigate their college and career interests. I look forward to meeting you all and discussing the various pathways you can take during and after your high school experience. Even if you are unsure which direction you might want to take after high school, I am here to support you!
Email: [email protected]
M, W, F - AHS
Tues, Thurs- MHS
Emily Ramirez
Guidance Technician - AHS Campus
My name is Emily Ramirez and I am one of the College and Career Guidance Technicians. I was born and raised in Humboldt County and graduated from Arcata High School in 2020. I earned my BA in Psychology from California State University, Dominguez Hills and moved back to Humboldt. In this role I’ll mainly be working with students on their post high school aspirations and goals. I’m excited to meet with you all and help you navigate your pathways post high school even if you are uncertain on what that may look like.
Email: [email protected]
Where to find me:
AHS in the TOC Monday-Friday
Michelle Lane
Guidance Technician - MHS
My name is Michelle Lane. I’m part of the new College & Career Guidance team. I have been a teacher for the past 20 years from kindergarten to Cal Poly Humboldt and I am excited to have landed here in the high school arena. My background is in English Language Development and I am currently working on a Master’s degree in Educational Counseling. I look forward to meeting you and helping you navigate your way through high school and beyond.
Email: [email protected]
Where to find me:
MHS Library & Rm 403