Healthy Kids Survey Information

November 7, 2022


Dear Parent or Guardian,

Your child is being asked to take a survey at school. The survey includes questions about alcohol, tobacco, and other drug issues, as well as questions about school safety and the learning environment. Student participation in the survey is voluntary. We hope that you will encourage your child to participate so that his or her opinion and knowledge can be used to improve the school.

The survey is anonymous. No names or any other identifying information is connected to the answers except for the name of the school.

If you have questions, please contact Lori Meadows at the email address or phone number listed below.

If you wish to view the survey, you may do so at your school’s office or on-line HERE.  If you wish for your student NOT to take the survey, please complete the attached CHKS Withdrawal Form.


Lori Meadows

Teacher on Special Assignment (TOSA)

Northern Humboldt Union School District

[email protected]

707-825-2400, ext. 2403



CA Healthy Kids Survey Preview Modules 2021

CHKS Withdrawal Form (English)